

Refereed Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Commentaries & Editorials


Hughes, H., & Vadrot, A. (Eds.). (2023). Conducting Research on Global Environmental Agreement-Making. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Vadrot, A.B.M.2014. The Politics of Knowledge and Global Biodiversity. London: Routledge

Refereed Journal Articles

Langlet, Arne and Vadrot, Alice B.M. (2024). Negotiating regime complexity: Following a regime complex in the making. Review of International Studies, 1-21.

Langlet, Arne. and Vadrot, Alice B.M. (2023). Not ‘undermining’ who? Unpacking the emerging BBNJ regime complex. Marine Policy 147: 105372.

Langlet, A., Wanneau, K., Dunshirn, P., Ruiz Rodríguez, S., Tessnow-von Wysocki, I. & B.M.Vadrot, A. (2022). A matter of time: the impacts of Covid-19 on marine biodiversity negotiations. Négociations, 37, 39-65. 

Vadrot, Alice B.M.Ruiz-Rodríguez, Silvia C.. Brogat, Emmanuelle. Dunshirn, Paul. Langlet, Arne. Tessnow-von Wysocki, Ina and Wanneau, Krystel. (2022). Towards a reflexive, policy-relevant and engaged ocean science for the UN decade: A social science research agenda. Earth System Governance 14: 100150

Vadrot, Alice B.M., Ruiz-Rodríguez, Silvia C. (2022). Digital Multilateralism in Practice: Extending Critical Policy Ethnography to Digital Negotiation Sites. International Studies Quarterly 66(3)

Vadrot, Alice B.M.. Ruiz-Rodríguez, Silvia C.. Brogat, Emmanuelle. Dunshirn, Paul. Langlet, Arne. Tessnow-von Wysocki, Ina and Wanneau, Krystel 2022. Towards a reflexive, policy-relevant and engaged ocean science for the UN decade: A social science research agenda. Earth System Governance, 14: 100150

Vadrot, Alice B.M., Ruiz-Rodríguez, Silvia C. 2022. Digital Multilateralism in Practice: Extending Critical Policy Ethnography to Digital Negotiation Sites. International Studies Quarterly 66(3).

Tessnow-von Wysocki, Ina and Vadrot, Alice B.M. 2022. Governing a Divided Ocean: The Transformative Power of Ecological Connectivity in the BBNJ negotiations. Politics and Governance.

Vadrot, Alice B.M. Langlet, Arne. Tessnow-von Wysocki, Ina. 2022. Who owns marine biodiversity? Contesting the world order through the `common heritage of humankind´ principle. Environmental Politics

Vadrot, Alice B.M. Langlet, Arne. Tessnow-von Wysocki, Ina. Tolochko, Petro. Brogat, Emmanuelle. and Ruiz-Rodríguez, Silvia C. 2021. Marine Biodiversity Negotiations During COVID-19: A New Role for Digital Diplomacy?. Global Environmental Politics

Hughes, Hannah. Vadrot, Alice. Allan, Jen Iris. Bach, Tracy. Bansard, Jennifer S. Chasek, Pamela. Gray, Noella. Langlet, Arne. Leiter, Timo. Suiseeya, Kimberly R. Marion. Martin, Beth. Paterson, Matthew. Ruiz-Rodríguez, Silvia Carolina. Tessnow-von Wysocki, Ina. Tolis, Valeria. Thew, Harriet. Vecchione Gonçalves, Marcela. Yamineva, Yulia. (2021): Global environmental agreement-making: Upping the methodological and ethical stakes of studying negotiations. Earth System Governance 10: 100121

Tolochko, Petro and Vadrot, Alice B.M. (2021): Selective world-building: Collaboration and regional specificities in the marine biodiversity field. Environmental Science & Policy 126: 79-89.

Tolochko, P. and Vadrot, A. 2021. The usual suspects? Distribution of collaboration capital in marine biodiversity research. Marine Policy 124 (2).

Tessnow-von Wysocki, I. and Vadrot, A. 2020. The Voice of Science on Marine Biodiversity Negotiations: A Systematic Literature Review. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 614282.

Vadrot, A.B.M. 2020. Multilateralism as a ‘site’ of struggle over environmental knowledge: the North-South divide. Critical Policy Studies, 14 (2), 233-245.

Vadrot, A.B.M. 2020. Building authority and relevance in the early history of IPBES. Environmental Science & Policy  (in press).

Hughes, H. and Vadrot, A.B.M. 2019. Weighting the World: IPBES and the Struggle over Biocultural Diversity. Global Environmental Politics , 19 (2), 14–37.

Vadrot, A. B. M., A. Rankovic, R. Lapeyre, P-M. Aubert, and Y. Laurans. 2018. Why are social sciences and humanities needed in the works of IPBES? A systematic review of the literature. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 31:sup1, 78-100.

Rose D.C., Sutherland WJ, Amano T, et al. 2018. The major barriers to evidence‐informed conservation policy and possible solutions. Conservation Letters. 2018;e12564.

Rose, D.C., Mukherjeeb, N., Simmons, B.I., Tew, E.R., Robertson, R.J., Vadrot, A.B.M., Doubleday, R. and Sutherland, W.J. 2017. Policy windows for the environment: Tips for improving the uptake of scientific knowledge. Environmental Science & Policy (in press).

Vadrot, A.B.M. 2016. Knowledge, International Relations and the Structure-Agency Debate: Towards the concept of “Epistemic Selectivities”. The European Journal for Social Science Research- Innovation, 30 (1), 1-12.

Vadrot, A.B.M. 2014. The epistemic and strategic dimension of the establishment of the IPBES: epistemic selectivities at work. The European Journal for Social Science Research- Innovation, 27 (4), 361-378.

Brand, U. and Vadrot, A.B.M. 2013. Epistemic selectivities towards the valorization of nature in the Nagoya Protocol and the making of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). LEAD – Law, Environment and Development Journal, 9 (2), 202-222.

Vadrot, A.B.M. 2013. ‘Rather a Manager and Networker than a Researcher’: Converging Technologies in the Clinic. The European Journal for Social Science Research- Innovation, 26 (4), 376-397.

Vadrot, A.B.M. 2011. Reflections on MODE 3, the coevolution of knowledge and innovation systems and how it relates to sustainable development. Conceptual framework for “Epistemic Governance”, in: International Journal for Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, 1 (2), 44-53.

Vadrot, A.B.M. and Pohoryles R.J. 2010. Multi-Level Governance, Technological Intervention and Globalization. The Case of biogenetic Fuels. The European Journal for Social Science Research- Innovation, 23 (4), 361-387.

Alice Vadrot Publications Political Science

Book Chapters

Hughes, H., & Vadrot, A. (2023). Introduction: A Broadened Understanding of Global Environmental Negotiations. In H. Hughes & A. Vadrot (Eds.), Conducting Research on Global Environmental Agreement-Making (pp. 1-22). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Vadrot, A., & Hughes, H. (2023). Starting: Practical and Ethical Considerations. In H. Hughes & A. Vadrot (Eds.), Conducting Research on Global Environmental Agreement-Making (pp. 25-42). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hughes, H., & Vadrot, A. (2023). Concepts: Selecting, Applying and Innovating Concepts. In H. Hughes & A. Vadrot (Eds.), Conducting Research on Global Environmental Agreement-Making (pp. 58-73). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Vadrot, A. (2023). Adapting: Responding to Unforeseen Research Circumstances. In H. Hughes & A. Vadrot (Eds.), Conducting Research on Global Environmental Agreement-Making (pp. 267-284)

Vadrot, A., & Hughes, H. (2023). Conclusions: Reflecting on the Future (Study) of Global Environmental Agreement-Making. In H. Hughes & A. Vadrot (Eds.), Conducting Research on Global Environmental Agreement-Making (pp. 285-300). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Vadrot, Alice B.M. (2022): Experts: scientific knowledge for ocean protection, In: Paul G. Harris, Routledge Handbook of Marine Governance and Global Environmental Change, Routledge.

Vadrot, A. 2020. Ocean Protection. In J.-F. Morin and A. Orsini. (eds.). Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance. Abingdon: Routledge. Second edition.

Vadrot, A.B.M. 2018. Endangered species, biodiversity and the politics of conservation. In: Kütting, G. (Ed.). Global Environmental Politics. Concepts, Theories and Case Studies. London & New York, 198-226.

Vadrot, A.B.M. 2016. The birth of a science-policy interface for biodiversity: The history of the IPBES. In. Hrabranski, M. et al. (eds.) The Intergovernmental platform on biodiversity and ecosystem service (IPBES): Challenges, knowledge and actors”, London & New York: Routledge Earth Scan, 41-76.

Vadrot, A.B.M. 2016. Green Liberalism: An Eternal Oxymoron? In: Kunze, D. (Ed.) Bridging the Gap. An Arab-European Liberals Dialogue on Liberalism and Sustainable Development. Cairo: Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty, 55-76.

Vadrot, A.B.M. 2015. Strengthening European Civic Society. Democratic innovations for a participatory democracy. European Liberal Forum, Brussels.

Vadrot, A.B.M. 2013. Epistemische Selektivitäten im Institutionalisierungsprozess der Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Die Rolle von Wissen und Wissenschaft. In: Friedrich J., Halsband A., Minkmar L. (eds.). Conference Proceedings of Biodiversity and Society. Societal dimensions of the conservation and utilization of biological diversity. Goettingen: Goettingen University Press, 99-119.

Vadrot, A.B.M. and Pohoryles, R.J. 2013. Ein Blick hinter die Grüne Ökonomie. Commons und Nachhaltigkeit, in: Die Armutskonferenz (ed.). Was allen gehört. Commons – Neue Perspektiven in der Armutsbekämpfung. 73-92.

Vadrot, A., Heumesser, C. and Ritzberger, M. 2010. Wissenschaft als Instrument und Akteur. Die Diskussion um ein Science-Policy Interface. In: Brand, Ulrich (Ed.): Globale Umweltpolitik und Internationalisierung des Staates. Biodiversität aus strategisch-relationaler Perspektive. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 188-231.

Alice Vadrot Publications Social Science

Commentaries and Editorials

Höltl, A. et al. 2020. A network for biodiversity in Austria. Inter- and Transdisciplinary Network for Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services. GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 29 (2): 126128.

Vadrot, A.B.M. 2020. Re-thinking the conditions for social change and innovation, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 33:1, 1-3.

Hughes, H., Kimberly R. Marion Suiseeya., Vadrot, A.B.M. 2019. Methodological Innovation in the Study of Global Environmental Agreement Making. Global Environmental Politics , 19 (2).

Vadrot, A.B.M., Akhtar-Schuster, M. & Watson, R.T. 2018. The social sciences and the humanities in the intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services (IPBES), Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 31:sup1, S1-S9.

Vadrot, A.B.M., Jetzkowitz, J. and Stringer L. 2016. Social sciences: IPBES disciplinary gaps still gaping. Nature, 530 (160).

Vadrot, A.B.M. 2013. Bedrohtes Wissen, bedrohtes Leben. Natur als Ware – zur fortschreitenden Ökonomisierung der Umwelt- und Biodiversitätspolitik am Beispiel Indiens. Standpunkte International 03/2013.

Vadrot, A.B.M. 2012. Social movements, criticism of capitalism and the transformation of society: crisis and critique in the twenty-first century. The European Journal for Social Science Research- Innovation, 25 (3), 247-250.

Vadrot, A.B.M. 2012. Nur noch Datenmanager? Das österreichische Gesundheitswesen – ÖKZ 53 (5), 15-16.

Hulme, M., Mahony, M., Beck, S., Görg, C., Hansjürgens, B., Hauck, J., Nesshöver, C., Paulsch, A., Vandewalle, M., Wittmer, H., Böschen, S., Bridgewater, P., Chimère Diaw, M., Fabre, P., Figueroa, A., Heong, K. L., Korn, H., Leemans, R., Lövbrand, E., Hamid, M. N., Monfreda, C., Pielke, Jr.R., Settele, J.,Winter, M., Vadrot, A. B. M., van den Hove, S., van der Sluijs, J.P. 2011. Science-Policy Interface: Beyond Assessments, Science, (333) 6043, 697-698.

Pohoryles, R.J. and Vadrot, A.B.M. 2011. Interdisciplinarity as a challenge, The European Journal for Social Science Research- Innovation, 24, (4): 391-393.

Vadrot, A.B.M. 2011. Biodiversity and Society: why should social sciences have a say? -an editorial, Innovation-The European Journal for Social Science Research 24 (3), 211-216.

Alice Vadrot Publications Social Scientist

Alice Vadrot Publications Biodiversity Politics of Knowledge Drawings by Alice Vadrot